Congressional Highway Bill Includes Western Oklahoma Projects


June 11, 2021

By News Director Jared Atha

A congressional committee approved a $547 billion transportation bill on Thursday that includes a boost in annual funding for roads and bridges and $55 million in special projects for three congressional districts in Oklahoma, including projects in western Oklahoma.

The bill passed 38-26 in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, with support from only two Republicans. That stands in contrast to the Senate highway bill, which was approved unanimously last month in the Environment and Public Works Committee.

Both bills would boost funding for highways and bridges, but Republicans complained about the overall cost and several specific provisions in the House bill, including ones aimed at reducing carbon emissions. House Democrats touted the bill’s job creation potential and its focus on reducing pollution.

Ultimately, a highway bill may wind up in a larger infrastructure package, if President Joe Biden and Congress can agree on the terms.

Democratic House and Senate leaders agreed this year to allow members to request local projects — often referred to as earmarks — in spending and other bills. The practice had been banned for a decade, but, previous to that, highway bills were magnets for earmarks as members typically have numerous road projects in their districts in want of funding.

Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Cheyenne had $15 million in projects included in the bill passed on Thursday.

Lucas’ projects include, among others, $3.25 million for Exit 65 on I-40 in Clinton and $2 million for a State Highway 30 project in Roger Mills County.

Lucas listed the Oklahoma Department of Transportation as the sponsor of the projects.